Evans, Virginia

Agriculture - 1 - 40 páginas; Fotografías ; Ilustraciones ; 29,5 cm

Agriculture from the Career Paths series is a publication intended for people preparing for work or professionally involved in agriculture, who want to improve their knowledge of the English language in the aspect related to their work.

Career Paths is a novelty on the Polish publishing market. A sensational series of textbooks for people who want to learn English or deepen their knowledge in order to improve their professional qualifications. The series will ultimately consist of 24 parts, each of which will be devoted to a different professional specialty.
Books are an invaluable help both for students and beginners, as well as experienced practitioners of a given profession. They can be used in technical schools, vocational schools, universities and specialist language courses.

The publications from the Career Paths series allow for the integrated development of four language skills while learning and practicing vocabulary related to a given professional specialty.




32 / Ev151a